Operation order for __# turbine hot status starting.
Shift:­­__#       operator:          Shift leader:            dd            mm              yyyy
Operation items
Operation time
Executed by
Menerima perintah untuk segerastart-up unit dari shift leader. Segera infokan kepada operator boiler, electric, I&C and WT listrik, bahwa start-up akan dimulai.
start exhaust fan dari main oil tank

Oil tank level is __mm. Start HP oil pump dan the outlet pressure is __Mpa, Start __# jacking oil pump dan outlet pressure is __Mpa. Turning gear will be putted into use. Pressure in front of oil-filter in 0m is __Mpa and behind oil-filter is __Mpa, there is no differential pressure large signal alarm in fine filter in 7m. Safety oil pressure is __Mpa,   main pipe pressure of lubrication oil is __Mpa, oil tank level is __mm. Inspect to ensure the return oil flow is normal.

Inspect to ensure the operation of other auxiliaries are normal, recycle water system had been putted into operation.

Warming pipe. Open the drain valves of before and behind of governing stage and every section steam extraction. Open the drain valves of before and behind motor isolation valve. Open all the drain valves in the main steam pipe from boiler to turbine. Full open motor steam cut-off valve.

Full open first bypass valve of turbine motor isolation valve , adjust the second valve to rise the main steam pressure to 0.20.3 Mpa, Warming pipe  2030min, step-up to above 4.0Mpa and heat up to above 370 by the 0.10.15 Mpa/min speed ,but heat up can’t be exceeded 5/min.

Attemperator and decompressor of surge tank will be putted into use. Adjust the temperature of surge tank in 150210 and the pressure in 0.O10.03Mp .Start feed steam valve of gland sealing. According to the steam smoking condition to adjust the pressure of surge tank. Start __# gland heater fan and adjust the drain valve.


hydraulic air pump will be putted into use and the others will be standby. Start __# water-jet pump after feed water to water-jet tank. Vacuum pumping for condenser. Current is __A, outlet pressure is __Mpa, vacuum is __Kpa.

If the unit conditions in line with the following rolling requirement: vacuum in above -80kpa, main steam pressure in above 4.0Mpa,main steam temperature in above 370, ensure the superheat in above 50 ,the differential temperature between up and down casings in above 50 and oil temperature is 25. Report to the shift reader, unit will be ready to latched-on to rolling the turbine.  Records: the expansion is __, temperature casings are____ and ____, differential expansion is ____.

Contact with I&C operator to put ETS protection into operation before turbine paralleling and quit the turning gear. Stop jacking oil pump when the rotate speed is exceeded 200r/min. Spin up slowly the starting valve on site, In order to let the main steam valve open slowly. At the same time, the unit speed can’t be rose.

Operate to DEH to sets up the rate of rising speed is 100 r/min, rated speed is 500 r/min and warming up 5 minutes. Inspect to ensure the rolling condition of rotor, act condition of control valve, vibration, bearing temperature and the sound of every parts are normal. When the exhaust temperature of casing is 80Open a little attemperating water of behind casing.

Operate DEH to sets up the rate of rising speed is 500r/min, the rising speed rise evenly to 2500r/min. The sound of bearing vibration and turbine proper and oil temperature is about 38 should be Strict monitored when the speed decrease to the critical speed.

When the rotate speed rise to 3000r/min, the running condition is normal after full inspection .Stop the HP oil pump and interlock will be putted into use. Record: outlet oil pressure of main oil pump __Mpa, outlet oil pressure __Mpa, there is no alarm signal from signal device of pressure differential of fine filter, pulse oil pressure is __Mpa, control oil pressure of main steam valve is __Mpa, protective oil is __Mpa, oil pressure of main pipe of lubrication oil is __Mpa.

Adjust the water level of hot wall and gland sealing in time during rolling the turbine. When the oil inlet temperature rise to  40 , oil cooler should be putted into use in time.

Inform the electric operators are ready to parallel.  Electric operators to operate the boosting.

Keep open the drain valve of turbine proper and close the drain valve of main steam pipe. Close the drain valve of turbine proper when the load is 1000KW.

The electric operator notice to that the boosting is finished. DEH will send the signal of synchronize automatically, the generator finished paralleling. DEH will automatic increased the initial load.

Contact with I&C operator to put all the ETS interlock protections of turbine into operation.

According to the outlet fan temperature of generator ,to put the air cooler into use if it exceeds 40.

Adjust gland seal, contact with WTP to assay the condensate, feed back to deaerator after condensate is qualified.

When the unit’s on-load rise to 1.5MW, inform electrical operator to stop diesel engine, (when the diesel engine black starts)inform PLN to implement synchronous connection automatically or manually. Inform PLN to on-load slowly based on main power grid, and when the load rise to 6MW, open the manual valve of primary extraction to deaerator 
to heat steam main and deaerator.

Notes: rising rate of casing temperature can’t be exceeded 1.5min during warming up and increase load. Dropping rate can’t be exceeded 1min during decrease load.


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